Marshmallow frosting!


Hi everyone!

I just wanted to share with you a frosting recipe that’s quick and really delicious! I get a little bored with the standard buttercream and this marshmallow frosting is great with lots of different things, chocolate cupcakes and pumpkin cupcakes probably being my favourite!

Firstly take 2 egg whites, a pinch of salt and a pinch of cream of tartar and whisk until stiff peaks form

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Now in a pan heat together 1 cup of caster sugar and 3tbsp of water.


Do not stir AT ALL! It will form crystals if you do, instead use a pastry brush dipped in warm water to brush down the sides of the pan. You need to heat this on low heat until the sugar has dissolved, then bring to the boil. If using a sugar thermometer bring to soft ball stage, if you don’t have one don’t worry I used to make this before I got one. Just let it boil for a few minutes until it turns syrupy, do not let it colour!


Now with your mixer on low slowly pour this mixture into your egg whites. Make sure you pour it down the inside of the bowl and not directly onto the whisk. Trust me, I have the scars to prove if you get burnt by sugar it really, REALLY hurts!

Now all you need to do is stand back and let your whisk do all the hard work! Keep whisking until the bowl feels cool to the touch, usually about 5 or so minutes. As it does it magically turns into billowy fluffy marshmallow!



And now your done! This really is easy but the results are spectacular! And even people that say they don’t like marshmallows will like this, homemade marshmallows taste very different to spongy shop bought marshmallows.

Personally I like to pipe but decorate as you wish! I piped them onto my chocolate cupcakes, you can find the recipe here.



You can leave your beautiful cupcakes like this, or if you have a penchant for fire, as I do! Blow torch them!

Ta da!


Enjoy! And as always let me know what you think, any questions or if you have a go yourselves! X

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